Crime never dies, but getting scammed online can be avoided.

Scams succeed because they look like the real thing and catch you off guard when you are not expecting. Over the years online shopping has only grown in popularity due to the endless catalogue of purchase items, the convenience of making purchases at your fingertips, fast delivery, and great deals. This also created an elevated ladder for scammers to trick you into paying for goods you won’t receive or obtain your personal information for their own financial gain. Scammers take advantage of new technology, new products or services and major events to create believable stories that convince you to give them your money or personal details. This blog will give detailed ways to look out for yourself and your well-earned money. 

Here are common signs of scams.

• Firstly, when making an online purchase, be sure to check if your website you are on has “https” at the beginning of the URL with a lock symbol. This means the site has a protected network connection. If a website has “http” at the beginning of the URL with no “s” it is more likely to be attacked by scammers who steal credit card information by monitoring network traffic. Also be aware of pop-up windows such as ones that say you have won a gift, or you have received a coupon. Real stores do not ask your personal information for those purposes. 

• Secondly, always check that you are paying the correct people or business when buying products online. Do your research and do not hesitate to do background check on the store. 

• Thirdly, these scammers set up fake websites. They then offer products or services at prices that too good to be true to be true. They also post fake ads and fake reviews. A seller may claim they have amazing benefits or features that sound too good to be true. the likes of “slim your fat in one day”. You know sometimes your guard instinct may flag you, listen to it. If something smells fishy or you just don’t feel good about buying from that shop, DON’T! 

• Another important thing is to check if the website had any private policy. Their website may not have any terms and conditions. These serve as legal documents meant to protect both the shop and its customers. In other website, they have what’s called a Consumer policy. This involves the handling and protection of sensitive personal information provided by customers during their transactions. These terms may include what steps can be taken if an order is not delivered correctly. 

Frankly enough, if your guard instinct didn’t tell you and you went through with purchasing item without checking for reviews from other customers (with real names) it may be that you have just been scammed. They start having lots of excuses on when your order will be delivered. Most of the times this happens after you have paid for your purchase in full, you don’t receive the goods and when you try to contact the online retailer, there is no response. They have simply disappeared, and your money is gone. Stay vigilant and don’t DM for price. Transparency is always important.

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