Puff, puff it’s cloud of Spring 

“Imagine you are having a bad day at work and you decide to take a walk outside your office. When you get to the parking lot you find yourself yearning to get a stress reliever perhaps even buy yourself flowers. Somewhat the thought of flowers came from the man standing near you, you glance at him beyond the cloud it’s a small pen that oozes a smell of joy and calmness. That’s how I started vaping”. -Thando. This blog will dive into the history of vaping and the reasons why people choose to vape. 

Well in 1963, a man named Herbert A Gilbert, thought “things don’t turn up until somebody turns them up”. Gilbert was well aware of the health implications of smoking tobacco. Unfortunately at that time smoking in public areas was considered legal therefore his invention had no place to compete with the conventional cigarettes. Soon after approximately 40 years 40 Years later in 2003, when people were much more aware of the damaging effects of tobacco, a pioneering Chinese pharmacist Hon Lik set about developing electronic cigarettes after losing his father to lung cancer. He created an electronic cigarette device that administered nicotine without the hundreds of harmful chemicals found in tobacco smoke. 

Knowing that smoking tobacco is dangerous to health as it produces carcinogens such as tar and carbon monoxide, e-cigarettes and vaping have been the popular switch over for many people.  Vaping devices have a heating element that atomises a liquid solution called e-liquid therefore, it is less harmful as it does not produce tar and carbon monoxide like smoking.

Reasons why people prefer vaping 

  • Many people find vaping relaxing, in recent years, vaping has become popular as a stress-reliever and something people have started to enjoy. The nicotine in e-liquids can induce a sense of relaxation. However, not all e-liquids contain nicotine, and many brands offer non-nicotine e-liquid flavours for those that vape for enjoyment.
  • Many people like the idea of vaping, as there are many products to experience various flavour of e-liquids, from a range of sweet flavours and all kinds of fruit flavours to menthol, literally brands are creating new flavours all the time. Making it impossible to run out of flavour options, one of the main reasons why vaping has become so popular.
  • Another is Cloud Chasing, recognised by the vaping community as a competitive hobby these types of vapers enjoy the pursuit of the largest, most impressive vapour clouds.  

Now the question remains whether you want to continue nor start smoking cigarettes or do it the new way. Like Thando do you what a sense of calmness in your life? And would you consider vaping? 

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